The presence of Qazvin Governor in Alborz Industrial City

The presence of Qazvin Governor in Alborz Industrial City

Qazvin governor's industry and agriculture Wednesdays and visiting Alborz industrial city treatment plant

According to the public relations report of Alborz Industrial City, Mohammad Nozari, the governor of Qazvin, as part of the industry and agriculture Wednesdays program, accompanied by a number of deputies and general managers, attended Alborz Industrial City in the refinery complex of this city and closely examined the existing issues and problems. did

During this visit, Karim Karimi, the CEO of Alborz Industrial City Company, presented a report on the implementation process and the activities of different parts of the treatment plant.

The governor of Qazvin and the accompanying delegation then visited two other production units and examined the demands and problems of these industrial units and approved resolutions to solve the existing problems.

During this meeting, Hamid Rezaei Shali, the head of Alvand Islamic Council, mentioned the most important concerns and problems of artisans and citizens and expressed his hope for the cooperation of all the provincial officials to solve the endowment problem, so that this case will end with the rights of citizens and artisans. This will boost production and investment.